Conference on Environmental Physics in Brazil

March 22-26 1999, University of Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil.



Brazil faces very important environmental problems in urban areas as well as in the regions having fast development, such as the Amazon basin. In recent years many large interdisciplinary research projects were developed, and the area is growing very fast. Air, water and soil pollution problems are serious in all regions of Brazil, affecting millions of people and with important economic consequences. Biomass burning in Amazonia and in the cerrado region is an strategic problem still to be addressed. Urban air pollution in Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and other major urban areas have important effects on population health and many of the scientific issues are still open in this particular area. Development of instrumentation for measurements and characterization of environmental problems is also an important area, with new instruments being developed and applied in important environmental problems. This conference will address many different issues and areas in this fast growing and fascinating research field.



Prof. Paulo Artaxo (Institute of Physics, University of São Paulo),

Prof. Vijayendra K. Garg (Physics Department, University of Brasília).


Scientific Committee

Prof. Fernando A. Oliveira (International Centre of Condensed Matter Physics, Brasília)

Prof. Heloisa S. Miranda (Departament of Ecology, UnB).

Prof. Hugo Nazareno, (ICCMP, Brasília).

Dr. Antonio D. Nobre (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, Manaus).

Dr. Eduardo Assad (Embrapa CPAC, Brasília).

Prof. Osvaldo Moraes (Physics Department, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, R.S.)


Invited Speakers

Dr. Yoram Kaufman, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA.

Prof. Meinrat O. Andreae, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany.

Prof. Jeff Richey, University of Washington, Seattle, USA.

Dr. Lee Klinger - National Center for Atmospheric Research - NCAR

Prof. Jon Lloyd - Max Planck Institute for Biogeochenistry, Jena, Germany

Prof. Hans Christen Hansson, Stockholm University, Sweden.

Dr. Carlos Nobre, CPTEC INPE.

Prof. Sergio Mascarenhas, Trieste, Italy.

Dr. Pedro Oyolla, CONAMA, Santiago Chile.

Dr. João Raposo, Projeto PROARCO, IBAMA.

Dr. José Marcus Godoy, Instituto de Radiodosimetria da CNEN.

Dr. Volker Kirchhoff, Divisão de Geofísica, INPE.

Prof. Norbert Miekeley, Departamento de Química, PUC do Rio de Janeiro.

Prof. Luís Alexandre Schuch, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, RGS.


Preliminary Main Topics:

1) Atmospheric physics and global change

2) Urban air pollution

3) Soil pollution and recuperation of degraded areas.

4) Hydrology of Amazonia and other Brazilians basins

5) Large scale atmospheric transport and meteorology

6) Fire ecology and biomass burning in Amazonia and Cerrado.

7) Instrumentation for environmental monitoring

8) Physics of the upper atmosphere

9) Natural and anthropogenic radiation

10) Energy and environmental protection


List of Addresses and contact persons:

Prof. Paulo Artaxo –

Prof. Fernando A. Oliveira

Prof. Heloisa Miranda –

Prof. Hugo Nazareno -

Prof. Vijayendra K. Garg –

Dr. Antonio D. Nobre -

Dr. Eduardo Assad –

Prof. Osvaldo Moraes -



Prof. Paulo Artaxo

Instituto de Fisica, Universidade de Sao Paulo

Caixa Postal 66318, CEP 05315-970, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil

FAX: +[55] (11) 818 6749, Phone:+[55](11) 818 7016


Prof. Fernando A. Oliveira/Prof. Hugo Nazareno

Centro Internacional de Fisica da Materia Condensada - UNB

Fax: [55](61) 273-3884, Phone: [55] (61) 348-2572


Important Dates

Submission of abstracts: December 25, 1998

Notification of acceptance of abstracts: January 25, 1999

Conference: March 22-26 March 1999.